Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Many Rivers To Cross

And I merely survive, cuz of my will..."
------ Jimmy Cliff, 'The Harder They Come' soundtrack

Friday, January 25, 2008

Angela Davis! :OBS Kent Lecture

Yeah -so I was one of those sardines packed into the Rockefeller Chapel to see and hear the illustrious Angela Davis deliver the annual George E. Kent Lecture.

It was She is, as one person put it, "more down to earth than I expected..."

She spoke of how the Foundations of our (U.S.'s) democracy are inherently flawed, thus the disintegration of our civil liberties which we seems to be witnessing today is part of a tradition. She spoke against capitalism, saying she's not against people having nice things, - she just wants EVERYONE to have nice things. She underlined the point that ordinary people are the true engines of social change, and have the power to create a new world - if only we can IMAGINE a world other than the one we live in today.

She warned us not mythologize the heroes of the past, especially since so much of their work remains unfinished. But it is not these individuals who triumph when advancements are made, altho we tend to over-associate these figures with such advancements - yet these advancements are the result of collective action. Individualism, especially capitalist individualism, will not bring about the change everyone so eagerly seeks - it is solidarities, communities, such as the one that was created when we all decided to gather in that chapel...

We are who we are because of what others before us have done, but we still have the capacity to make something more for those who will no doubt follow us,,,,,,

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

mujeres a la borde de un ataque de nervios

pedro almodovar's film about crazy desperate women... great characters and a spiraling plot that takes the snow out of my brain on this white night. i saw it wit sam and then now i'm tryin to get this python shit together. films speak louder than words, more conscisely than world... more consciously than them.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Can't Means Won't

I used to think toomuch; contemplation of a next move would go on and on, sometimes til it became too late.... regrets set in.
Now I just do, with little or no deliberation. Intuition reigns; it's not that I behave recklessly, at least not totally,- I just thnk that I have a different concept of 'consequence'...

I'm making this up as I go along you kknow, but I would hardly bother to record it in my blog if I didn't think it was true.

So now I am in a quandary, as I made an impetuous statement that will no doubt have some interesting consequences, including, perhaps, forcing me to the quintessential crossroads. Now, my 'impetuous statement', if I am to follow-through on it (properly), will essentially force me to go one way. But still, here I am, contemplating this crossroads; I am holding out to see if my statement will ...manifest.

I can't stop thinking about ..._her.


Monday, January 21, 2008


Happy Birthday to thegoodDoctor Martin. Damn shame how dey shot my man. He and I are both 'Jr.'s, so I cna relate to his struggle, his way of life and everything. I have a Dream too... I jsut can't speak in public quite as well as he can. But he was a reverend, And, that is, not to mention, the Son of a Preacher Man.
I often wonder what may have been if he had been with us longer....
like this weekend!
Yeah - these long weekends ar ethe SHIZ-NIT! We should do this like once a month if you ask me... people like me (and you, I guess) need time to recupe, take it easy too,. it's kind of like having an extra day in the week or something. That was a nice seque-way Imust admit.
I DO say so myself.

permiso o permita me unos besos... por fav..horita

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


sing a song of sixpence...or what about sexpense...or what about sixpistoles
or sexpistons

i think it's TIME to go to sleep....

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In my dreamssss

I can already feel you creepin up, above me, from under... behind and approaching... slowly, but steadily I can feel it will take me over. I am your master! Slave!

:A thickquid fog,,,, dark and disturbing, pertrbing, penetrating... but I am a fortress and you will NOT overwhelm me... I hold you at bay behind my walls, attempting to push through, but I will not avail you of what is within... only as much as want - back up off me! Stand down- fall back....


thusly it ensues! let's git on now baby!

Monday, January 7, 2008


What goes on? back in class, tryin not to roll up too much.
I feel nice and free and alive and spacious but i know it will start to close in around me as soon as those assignments start flyin at me.............................

you taste so good. i miss you.


Friday, January 4, 2008

sho is COLD!-

back in the CHI... enero feels better than it ever has i think.
feels good after the long break, muchos chillin.. i need a haircut. my face is whiskery,
perhaps too whiskeyer....

that's makes me wiser than the bud...of roses,, or berhaps the bed of the same.
(you moan, iam practiacally qquirmin in my seat too...(

Spanish Word of the Day