I was just thinkin about somethin Denise mentioned.. the American way of life: fast food, bad health, big pharm.
Wow..what a way to go out.... We gotta take better care of ourselves. AND I DON'T MEAN GO FOR SELF. I think that's part of the ethic that allows this inhuman mode of existence to become the status quo. I mean we gotta take better care of EACH OTHER.
Eat right and feed good food to those you see; be positive and spread that energy to those you encounter, even strangers.
Why do we choose to kill ourselves by knowingly over-indulging in reckless and destructive behaviors? and why do we keep intentionally killing each other? Why don't so many choose not to take care of their families? We can't hate ourselves that much. But of course we know better, so why does this go on everyday on such a large scale? I'm tryin to understand... Somebody help me understand.
[image: Neon sign in a window reads "UNDOCUMENTED UNAFRAID" against a red
tiled wall.]
On 16th Street. Photo by Mike Santiago.
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