Maaan... "Confusion in the city, corruption and iniquity,.."
It's so easy, I think, to get overwhelmed by all the suffering everywhere..
You might think about your own suffering, and how unfairly life and people seem to treat you. Bad things do happen to good people; some people try and try but somehow always get mud thrown in their face, and slowly become too discouraged to try to make changes...
It's so easy, to get overwhelmed by the shuffering...
You might think about those who suffer n your family, your community, your city, your world.. And there are many who just barely survive each day. If you are reading this, then you are amongst the privileged who live in a 'glocally' aware society which makes it difficult to ignore the fact that the comforts of a few are/were/will be created by the exploitation of many, and that there will always be that vulnerable, exploitable many... not to mention increasingly effective and relentlessly prevalent ways/methods/systems for exploiting... and of course there will, as there has always been, those who prey on the weak, the vulnerable, the exploitable...
Yeah, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the suffering... OUR suffering.
But good people, we can't let the current state of things discourage active participation in finding a new way...
If you don't like your current situation, don't bother complaining unless you're doing ALL that you can to try to make it better.
Don't stop til you get enough! If you feel like someone or somethin is oppressing you down, stand up and say somethin! Don't just take it, and then complain...
If you want to accomplish something, make a plan and execute. It's that easy!'s not always easy, I know.. but it's usually simpler than we realize.
But if we keep acting like it's alright (although we know it's really not) but still do nothing... then the suffering continues.
Listen to the voices....
"...Police uh shoot down soldier, soldier uh shoot down po-lice"
Lee Perry dub
OF COURSE I had to put Mike's video on here too...
Don't stop til we get enough!
[image: Neon sign in a window reads "UNDOCUMENTED UNAFRAID" against a red
tiled wall.]
On 16th Street. Photo by Mike Santiago.
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