'<'tal:entry tal:repeat="item folderContents">
'<'tal:block tal:define="item_url item/getURL|item/absolute_url;
item_id item/getId|item/id;
item_title_or_id item/pretty_title_or_id;
item_description item/Description;
item_type item/portal_type;
item_type_title item/Type;
item_intro item/getIntroductionText;
'<'span class="description" tal:content="item_intro">intro'<'/span>
so item_intro should be returning the intro for each child, but here you can see that it only returns the intro for the parent:

although it clearly has no problem finding the children's title and description fields, which are stored differently (AnnotationStorage).... however it also finds the children's URL and also the LeadImage, which are visible in the screenshot///
managing portlets by content type....

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