I used to think toomuch; contemplation of a next move would go on and on, sometimes til it became too late.... regrets set in.
Now I just do, with little or no deliberation. Intuition reigns; it's not that I behave recklessly, at least not totally,- I just thnk that I have a different concept of 'consequence'...
I'm making this up as I go along you kknow, but I would hardly bother to record it in my blog if I didn't think it was true.
So now I am in a quandary, as I made an impetuous statement that will no doubt have some interesting consequences, including, perhaps, forcing me to the quintessential crossroads. Now, my 'impetuous statement', if I am to follow-through on it (properly), will essentially force me to go one way. But still, here I am, contemplating this crossroads; I am holding out to see if my statement will ...manifest.
I can't stop thinking about ..._her.
[image: Neon sign in a window reads "UNDOCUMENTED UNAFRAID" against a red
tiled wall.]
On 16th Street. Photo by Mike Santiago.
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