It's 2012 and I haven't posted on my blog in a while, so as I sit here solo on my sofa, I'm inspired to type a few lines.
The past year was beautiful... but I'm looking forward in this current one. SO many big things I wanna get done in 2012; in winter hibernate mode, it's the most wonderful time: to look at the recent past and meditate on future plans:: I'm on the march towards Independence::: Let's go there together my friends:::: Let us be diligent, aware, compassionate and creative, and let our Love lead the Way.
It's raining, and cold outside. Old Man Winter is here, but he's been in a mild mood for the most part (so far)...Pray that he stays that way! Meanwhile, I've been evolving and growing; each day I am a better version of me than I was in the previous one. That said, I won't go into the mysterious details of my plans for the New Year here.... but I will say that I am planning for even greater personal success this year than the last.
Of course, I also hope for success in Love! The Hopeless Romantic, All Day I Dream About She: the Divine Woman for whose love I am living, and to whom I wish to show and share my utmost:: strong but tender devotion, honor and sacrifice. I've searched for so long.... and now I feel that I KNOW what it is I have been seeking, can recognize Her and, granted the time and opportunity, am ready to explore the endless possibilities of our limitless intertwining... So hey girl I hope you're ready for me!
I never give up til I reach my goal. So may I persevere alertly, have courage in my determination, and heed the signs along the way. And choose widely my path and wisely... I am so grateful for my life; I wanna leave something truly beautiful behind before it closes out.
Let's go together my friends.... and may we be diligent, aware, compassionate and creative...
...and Let our Love lead the Way.
Interview: State Sen. Scott Wiener on Trump, transit, and that cute
bomb-sniffing dog
[image: A person in glasses and a suit holds a microphone, speaking in
front of a colorful background with large artwork of hands.]
Sen. Wiener sat with J...