Monday, June 23, 2008


what a f***in IDIOT!!!!

and now a homeless one.... oh RODNey...
whatare we gonna do with you?!?!

signing out,
the disco inferno

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Party a success

The Hot Pants was largely successful, even though I was the only one wearing Hot Pants... go figure!

These pics were from early on... I got drunk and forgot to take anymore pictures.... whoops!
Thanks to the lovely people who came and showed love....


Monday, June 9, 2008


Hey - if you're reading this then you must like me, or else you're a stalker, so I like you!-
If you like ME, then I implore you to join me in celebration of my graduation:

Friday, June 13th
1913 W. 17th Street apt 3roundback
Chicago, Of course

And, yes, ladies - wear dem Hot Pants.... and everybody bring me gifts:
I'm a Master now, so I can make such demands!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

she's gonna be gone soon

here's a painting that was commisioned, created, rejected, and now is going to be destroyed, so that I can paint something more desirable on the door....

but what could be more desirable than she-:

"something more abstract...less representational...."
I'm tempted to build a "replica" of the door.
Because I think I love her...

(The image is terrible... for a better glimpse, come on over to my place:

Friday June 13th, 2008
9pm -9am
1913 w. 17th St 3rd floor rear

(That's's also my graduation party, so bring gifts!!!)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


met with d. pytel to discuss the prospects of the summer program

development . community-buildng. children
having a space

working w an org
starting ur own

looked at the space/content

discussed possibilities/potential obstacles
operational processes

she was well-informed, disciplined and patient.
we broke bread and had tea. it was a really really good

i am certainly positive about things. perhaps "we" will be working together soon.

treasure and cherish
the moments we share

Sunday, June 1, 2008

git bizzy -

the "meth(odology) lab"... sick ish

Spanish Word of the Day